mandag, februar 20, 2012

Training report: Restless as [expletive] night-time march

The fantastic Tycho Brahe Planetarium.
Training report. I had to run a quick errand the other night, and turned Endomondo (GPS application for smart-phones, measuring time and distance) on since I figured I would need to walk about three kilometres back and forth, all in all - and walks "count" for me if they're at least two clicks.
So, the GPS on, and then I ended up eating a wee bit more of those pesky kilometres. I was restless, stressed out, and gloomy; walking at high speed with death metal in my ears released some tension and relaxed my troubled mind. Nice evening in Copenhagen, it was.

  • Name: Restless as [expletive] night-time march, Copenhagen, part 1 (RAFNTMC-I)
  • Route: from home via the harbour and the Central Station to the Lakes, twice around all lakes, home again
  • Participants: Hein
  • Date: 20 FEB 2012
  • Distance: 20.3 km
  • Tid: 2:34 hours (2016-2250)
  • Average speed: 7.9 km/h, no rests
  • Total training status: look here.

A look up Skt. Jørgens Sø (Sct. George's Lake).

"Irma-hønen", a several decades old neon light
advertisement known by all Copenhageners.

Some building near The Royal Library at the harbour.

A look up Havnegade, with a view to
trendy, I hear, restaurant "Custum House".


Napalm Death: Utopia Banished
Napalm Death: Harmony Corruption

Prodigy: The Prodigy Experience

4 kommentarer:

Jörg Rückert sagde ...

Hvorfor skal du "löbe" kan du ikke gå som oss normale mensker.

Hilsen Jörg

Hr. T.H. sagde ...


1) Fordi det er smart at *træne* tempo, når man skal gå langt.

2) Fordi jeg hører voldsom metal, mens jeg går!

Jörg sagde ...

Har for korte ben og kan bedre li saekkepibe. En mere behagelig lyd!!

Hr. T.H. sagde ...

Sækkepiber er toppen. Måske jeg skulle smide en gang pipes and drums på næste gang :-)