mandag, februar 08, 2021

Nijmegenmarchen 2021 aflyst

Det kommer ikke som en overraskelse for nogen, vil jeg tro, og det er rettidig omhu fra arrangørerne at melde det ud allerede nu: 4Daagse, populært kaldet Nijmegenmarchen (læs min beskrivelse af fænomenet her) er aflyst for i år. I samme pressemeddelelse gives der dog håb for fremtiden: Det værst tænkelige, nemlig at organisationen skulle gå fallit, lader ikke til at være en risiko for nuværende.

"Participants who were registered and paid their fees in 2020 are in any case assured of a place in the next edition of the Four Days Marches. Further information about registration and the regulations will follow at a later date. The organisers are also looking at how everyone can still experience the Four Days Marches feeling together this year too. After all, even without the actual event, for walkers and for the city of Nijmegen, the third week of July will always be the week of the Four Days Marches. Once the organisers know more about this, information will be posted on the website  and on social media.

The organisers would also like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to keep moving and keep walking. Henny Sackers: ‘We hope that everyone will stay healthy and that we can meet again at De Wedren in 2022."

/Thorbjørn Hein

Læs mere her (engelsk).

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