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Off topic. So this is one of those really, really far off
topic posts. Anyway, in my dark past, I was a real wargaming geek. My brothers
and I amassed vast armies of little metal men, moved them around on the
tabletop, and rolled lots of dice.
I just saw this, a new project called Mark of War, and I am a bit fascinated.
Still haven’t figured
out: is this game great news for the geek-turned-adult-and-with-no-time or is
it just taking the worst of two worlds (tabletop and PC)??
If for nothing else than news value, old school wargamers should check it out. Since it is a Kickstarter campaign, there will be a lot of bonusses for jumping the bandwagon early.
Read on and see a couple of pics from the childhood gaming cellar :-)
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Cellar geekiness in childhood home |
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S/M Chaos Warriors |
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The cellar as it looked when I left Denmark in May! |
3 kommentarer:
Jeg har tit undret mig over at man ikke har lavet et PC spil målrettet Warhammer fans, men man har åbenbart ikke ment at der var penge i det...
Det ser spændende ud og jeg skal da lige holde øje med om det er noget man skal hoppe med på.
Tak for info skip:-)
Fedt, at det interesserede dig, gamle dreng :-)
Kickstarteren fejlede - de var ikke engang tæt på. Ved eftertanke ved jeg sgu heller ikke, om jeg synes, konceptet var overvældende fedt :-) Til gengæld ser jeg frem til at komme hjem og gå i barndom med figursamlingen!
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