
torsdag, marts 29, 2012

Off topic: three metal chicks!

Off topic. Oooooff topic. But here you go, stuff like this is great for marching on the double. Three possible subjects for marriage?! :-)


tirsdag, marts 20, 2012

Reportage: 21 km Sydkystmaraton 2012

Løbere drak dybt af forundringens kilde

Simpel bjørnebandit drikker dybt af en kold bajer efter
løbet. Denne artikel indeholder også en video fra den
hæsblæsende slutspurt de sidste 200 meter; tjek den.
Bjørnebandens ensomme repræsentant stak ud som absolut eneste gående deltager ved Greve Trims halv- og hel-maratonarrangement den 18. marts. Med rygsæk, jeans, militærstøvler, et kamera i hånden og ofte en smøg i kæften, lod det til, at arrangører og deltagere aldrig havde set noget lignende. Til vandringsmandens usympatiske tilfredsstillelse nåede han at indhente et par af løberne, inden de 21 kilometer var omme.

af Thorbjørn Hein

mandag, marts 19, 2012

Off topic: orc head!

TOTALLY off topic. I created this from scratch on my iPhone. Pretty amazing what you can do with those things. It's not really easy drawing precisely with your fingers on a tiny screen, though, but still ... pretty amazing how the programme (called ArtRage) simulates pencil strokes and such effects. Click on the pic for larger image.

Cyber materials: hatched paper, pencil (for the sketch), black crayon (further sketching), oils.

lørdag, marts 17, 2012

Commemoration ceremony: Capt Christian Damholt

Captain Damholt in Afghanistan.
In remembrance. Four years ago, on 17 March 2008, Capt Christian J.G. Damholt of the Danish Home Guard was killed by a suicide bomber in the city of Gereshk, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. A colleague from his CIMIC unit, Warrant Officer Sonny Kappel Jakobsen, was also killed in the attack.

fredag, marts 16, 2012

Column: The War Vet at Guldregn

I had a strange experience at Cafe Guldregn - a night bar with dice playing, cheap beer and enough smoke for a bastard sword to cut - one very late Saturday night in May last year.

fredag, marts 09, 2012

International Southside Junior College March 2012

Anden halvdel af denne post er på dansk/second half is in Danish

International Southside Junior College March 2012

Starting point: my former place of work.
Lovely young people, great colleagues,
awesome place to be.
Warming up. Determined to push forward and get some kilometres in my legs, I had decided to do a 2x30 km march in the weekend of 03-04 MAR.

tirsdag, marts 06, 2012

Training status update, early March

Kastellet, "The Citadel", from which MAKONI
will leave on the morning of 30 June 2012.
MAKONI. There are now less than four months to the MAKONI team leaving from the gates of Kastellet, foot-bound for Nijmegen.

The following training milestones have been reached:

First training session - JAN 21
First 10+ km solo march - FEB 12
First 20+ km solo march - FEB 20
100 km accumulated - FEB 23
First 30+ km solo march - FEB 25
200 km accumulated - MAR 02
First two-day march - MAR 03-04
300 km accumulated - MAR 05

As of 5th of March, I have done 303.6 km in 2012, and from here on, those roads will be hit even harder by those boots on that lieutenant, yo. I am bit ahead compared to 2007, but I know that for various reasons there will be a low in May, so no excuses for being idle now.

The detailed training diary is here.

Next up on the blog: there will soon enough be some pictures and text from the weekend walking events of MAR 02-04.


fredag, marts 02, 2012

Copenhagen Images, February 2012

Last update: 28 February 2012

Copenhagen Images, February 2012

by Thorbjørn Hein

No walking? Forget it, Red Man, remember the words
of Søren Kierkegaard (see column right).
Pictures. Those whom follow the blog, for whatever unimaginable reasons, will have learned that I use the term "strolls" for training sessions of two to about nine kilometres. In the conservative sense of the word, a stroll is usually done at a more relaxed pace than at up to eight kilometres an hour, but hey.

torsdag, marts 01, 2012

Du kan nå det endnu: vandring i Køge denne weekend

Advisering. Hvis det er første gang, du hører om "Vintertur ved Køge", er denne blogpost mest for storkøbenhavnerne, subsidiært meget omstillingsparate marchgængere m/k fra resten af landet. I morgen aften er der såkaldt førte vandringer, hvor man samlet går en kort tur, og lørdag-søndag kan man så vandre noget længere, hvis man ønsker. Gæt engang, hvad jeres reporter har tænkt sig? Hehe.

Nedenfor er teksten fra arrangørernes hjemmeside. Tilmeldingsfristen er overskredet, men jeg er ganske overbevist om, at det kan løses med et telefonopkald.


The Lakes at Daytime March

At Skt. Jørgen Sø (St George's Lake),
trucking along!
Training report. I had business in Frederiksberg, a municipality within the city of Copenhagen, and since the weather was good and the boots were on, there was no reason not to walk the 4.5 clicks home. When I passed the Lakes I decided, on a whim, to do a complete lap around all of them, just for the heck of it.